January 10, 2023 10:30 AM

How do SAP solutions integrate with Microsoft Azure?

Your enterprise resource planning (ERP) in the cloud can be optimised with the aid of SAP solutions on Azure, which gives scalable, secure, and reliable results.

Here is how you can benefit from the seminal SAP Cloud Platform on Microsoft Azure:

  • Speed up routine tasks

Together with SAP, Microsoft has developed a new experience that enables you to combine critical data and improve decision-making directly within SAP systems, Microsoft Teams, and Outlook.

  • Gain better control over your SAP system

SAP workloads can be streamlined and implemented more efficiently in the cloud with Microsoft Azure Center for SAP applications.

  • Experience an optimised cloud platform

Azure is SAP certified to perform pivotal SAP applications. Azure offers 192-gigabyte to 12-terabyte SAP HANA-certified virtual servers in more locations than any other public cloud provider, making it the most cost-effective and flexible SAP cloud infrastructure in the market.

  • Receive novel insights with advanced analytics

Utilize advanced data services, such as analytics and AI, to incorporate SAP and non-SAP data and retrieve live and predictive insights for better profitability.

  • Unparalleled protection and compliance

Leverage Azure security services, supported by 3,500 cybersecurity specialists and the largest compliance portfolio in the market for workloads running on-premises and in the cloud.

  • Substantial financial savings

According to a Forrester Consulting TEI study, organisations can achieve a three-year ROI greater than 100% after migrating their legacy SAP infrastructure to Azure.

A reliable and business-ready route to cloud innovation

Web Synergies' SAP practice, which includes over 100 certified SAP consultants, provides businesses with the technology they need to transform into astute and sustainable enterprises. 

We provide end-to-end consulting, implementation, and support services for SAP’s Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions. Get in touch now!

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