Web Synergies - News Web Synergies opportunities in Andhra Pradesh
October 11, 2019 05:30 PM

Transforming Partners in the Microsoft Channel

At an exclusive CTO Lunch in association with Microsoft and Channel Asia, some of the best minds in the business came together to outline the criteria required for success in Singapore, document partner best practices and explore key opportunities ahead.

Changing customer requirements, driven by the emergence of new technologies and consumer behaviours, are combining to redefine the channel in Singapore. In a step away from tradition, the market is moving at pace to challenge the status quo, triggering transformation at both vendor and partner levels. As illustrated by Microsoft, partner success will be determined by the ability to evolve amid a crowded industry, creating a need for customer-centricity and differentiation. Srichand Baswa (CTO, Web Synergies), was a part of this exclusive event.

To learn more about this exclusive CTO lunch on how partners can transform in the Microsoft channel, please click below.


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