Azure cloud and Managed services for a Travel Company

Azure cloud and Managed services for a Travel Company

Azure cloud and Managed services for a Travel Company

Our Client :

Travel Prologue/Trip Affiliates provides travel partners with a web-based, multi-supplier platform that enables instant booking and confirmation for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) customers.

The Challenge:

  • Create a platform to meet travel interested people in to one area and where they can make friendship using with social media integration and enjoy the travel experience.
  • AWS or GCP solution were migrated to Azure.

Our solution:

  • Staging development site was created for the development team to set up and customize the codes for the new website.
  • Testing was conducted to ensure that the site is working, and integration is successfully executed.
  • The final approved site for production is then migrated over to the production server.
  • B2C and B2B projects hosted on Azure server with MySQL databases.
  • The environment protected with Azure Security controls and internal application controls.
  • The websites hosted on blob storage Shared Folder to have load balance and high availability features enable.
  • Azure backup and Azure recovery services has been activated for application and database backup purpose.
  • All websites are secure with SSL 2048 key length and TLS 1.2 cipher.

Our Results:

  • It is the first platform where people can have social sharing related to travel and they can plan some travelling destinations as a group becoming friends.
  • Reducing capital and operating expenses with the cloud. Our client has saved up to 50% on expenses by using the cloud instead of an on-premises setup because client don’t have to worry about the capital and operational expenses from purchasing and maintaining hardware.
  • Maintenance tasks like data backup are 30% more efficient compared to data backup with an on-premises setup.
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